Complete darkness If you’re serious about sleep, then all lights need to go out. Light exposure prevents the body from making melatonin (a primary sleep hormone) By lights, we’re talking lamps, ceiling lights, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, tv’s, hallway lights etc. You get the idea. By doing this, you...
When selecting the colours for our All Seasons Twill range, we did extensive analysis of the colour forecast by Pantone, and then re worked the colours to make them inline with what is “Koala”. We then ran through all colour options through our dedicated Product team, and conducted research...
Alcohol is usually seen as a great addition to a party but what does a night out do to your sleep? It generally takes about 20 minutes for alcohol to enter your blood stream after consumption, and it’s effect can be detrimental to your sleep. Falling asleep after getting...
A romp in the sack can be a noisy time but we’ve taken the squeaking of out the bedroom with our Timber Bed Base (unless you know, you’re into that kind of thing). It even went on to win in the Good Design Award for product design in...
The first time you share a bed with someone can be filled with excitement, anticipation not to mention a few nerves. Sharing a bed is a positive sign that the relationship is progressing to a new level and you’re getting comfortable with that significant other. But…sharing a bed...
Have you ever heard the saying, “Never Go To Bed Angry?” Well, that old saying actually has some merit. Whilst going to bed angry might seem like no big deal, and you think logically you can sleep it off, and wake up fresh but if you do it often enough...
Does sleep affect weight loss? Yes. During periods of less than ideal sleep, the weight you lose is actually a higher proportion of the hard earned muscle than fat. Let’s break it down further: I’d often get a confused look on peoples faces when I talk about how sleeping...
Koala hasn’t been around forever. We’re a couple of years old, but during that time we’ve prided ourselves on taking all the experience we’ve garnered from creating Australia’s highest rated mattress on Yotpo, Product Review, and Google Reviews to making Australia’s comfiest sofa perfect for naps!
Working at Koala has many benefits, and one of them is the sometimes hilarious amount of functional beds found across the workplace, and that we are allowed naps at work (in the designated nap pods). Naps are actually good for you, and before you head off to your nearest HR...
Are you a notorious blanket hog, or are you a victim of sharing a bed with one? While you may think that they do it because of selfish reasons, it may actually be because of who they shared a bed with as a child.
Dreams, and dream analysis has been an insightful method to interpret, and understand a person’s stresses, fears, and hopes. Even in ancient cultures, humans knew just how important interpreting dreams were to get a better understanding of yourself, and how you can move forward in life. Debatably, while there...
Australians take a comfort first approach to bedtime with 52% wearing their favourite pjs to bed, and only 18% of Aussies go commando when they go to sleep. Whether you’re snuggled in your pjs or bearing it all, research shows that rocking your birthday suit to bed is actually...
There are a host of well documented advantages to getting adequate sleep which we’ll get into more detail in this Sleep & Physical Performance Series. New ways of thinking Gone are the days where people think “sleep is for the weak” or “sleep when I’m dead”. On the contrary,...
Let’s face it, in this day and age, there seems to be an obsession with being busy. The alarm goes off. Before you even jump out of bed you grab your iphone, and start checking off your to do list. Your morning routine might involve getting the kids, ready...
Why stretching is important There are many factors that go into improved physical performance, recovery being one, stretching another. A good night’s sleep is vital in allowing the body to rest, relax and rebuild, stretching in order to improve flexibility, range of motion and injury...
Introducing Elizabeth Marin Elizabeth is an exercise/sport scientist and nutritionist that has been working in elite sport for 15 years. Recently Elizabeth was appointed Wallabies sport scientist and nutritionist for the next two years for the lead up to 2019 Rugby Union World Cup. Her main role...
Sleep is when our bodies rejuvenate. It’s well documented that inadequate sleep doesn’t enable the muscles and cells to repair themselves properly, which can in turn lead to health problems. Counterintuitively, getting too much sleep can also lead to health conditions as well, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
We spoke to a number of women to find out the funniest things they’ve done when they haven’t had enough sleep. We’ve all done the typical acts of sleeping through an alarm or forgetting an important appointment due to a lack of sleep, but these women have taken it to...
Professionals ranging from swimmers to runners, dancers, mathematicians, musicians and high-profile CEOs can all benefit from increased quality and quantity of rest. While many CEOs claim to not sleep enough, the truth is that for the body to perform at its peak, we need to sleep well – and for...
Alertness. More sleep means you’ll be more alert, and who doesn’t want that? Next time your boss gets angry at you for napping during the day, refer them to this NASA study that proved that after just a 40-minute nap, pilots were more alert than ever. Be in a better...
As the financial year draws to a close, it’s important to reflect on the habits that might make the next year more bountiful. A recent National Geographic documentary revealed that just 150 years ago, people in Western countries were sleeping, on average, two hours per night more...
The Dalai Lama once said that, “sleep is the best meditation”, and we couldn’t agree more. Countless studies have shown that better sleep leads to increased attention, creativity, decision-making processes, focus, mood, reaction and recovery times as well as a boost in working memory. These traits can result in more...
The sleep industry goes through a lot of trends; over the past few years, we’ve seen gel-infused latex, coconut fibre products, and lavender-infused sleep masks. One trend that has gathered significant momentum is for consumers to sleep under weighted blankets. Once seen as a commodity, the scientific evidence is refutable;...
When you find a job you love, it’s hard not to fall into the trap of working too much. A strong work ethic is a brilliant trait to have, but an unhealthy addiction to work can negatively impact your health, social life and mental wellbeing. And it can even make...
When was the last time you truly thought about your life and made a conscious effort to be more mindful? For most of us, meditation is a far-off, sometimes unrealistic goal. Taking 30 minutes during the day to focus on nothing but yourself and your life can be asking too...
If you’ve ever scoffed at the thought of beauty sleep, we’ve got some bad news for you. According to the latest studies to come out of Sweden and the U.K., a lack of sleep means people find you less attractive, which can end up resulting in...
If you’ve been putting off buying a new mattress, here’s a few reasons why you probably should get one ASAP… How much do you really know about the mattress you’re currently sleeping on? What’s it’s history? Where is it from? How long have you owned it for? Did you buy...
We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all, we love our Mummas! Let’s skip the nitty gritty, we all know our mums are epic, brought us into the world and somehow put up with us for a damn long time. Did you know on average, during...
As you drift off into the land of wink and nod, your body naturally moves into a position that feels most comfortable and familiar. Maybe you enjoy being tucked up in a little ball on your side, or maybe you prefer to be sprawled out across the bed? Either way,...
We’ve had clean eating, clean exercising and clean cooking but this has to be our favourite… clean sleeping. To most, sleep seems like a simple concept. Jump into bed, close your eyes and sleep. There’s a fine science to achieving the perfect sleep, and Gwenyth Paltrow reckons she’s nailed it...
We LOVE our sleep at Koala HQ… heck, we even made it into our careers. Whilst us humans adore a good snooze, did you know there are so many animals that need barely any sleep to function? We’ve done the hard yards for you and tracked them down – you’ll...
There are a lot of things in life that can reflect our personality, but did you know that your bedtime can say a lot about you too? Whether you’re getting a full 9 hours sleep or barely surviving on 4, it’s time to find out what your bedtime says about...
Feeling tired? Well, we all are thanks to Sunday being the Sleepiest Day of the Year. As daylight savings starts, we lose an hour, meaning we’re all a fair bit sleepier than normal. If you’re feeling angry, tired or maybe just annoyed, now you know why. To combat those feelings,...
Ever woken up from a really weird dream, tried to explain it to someone and been met with blank stares? What you dream about can say a LOT about you, and highlight issues that you might not even be aware of. In ancient times, if you were sick, the first...
If you’ve suffered from nightmares lately, this is the post for you. Let’s have a look at why we have nightmares, and how to conquer them. Nightmares are dreams that bring out feelings of terror, distress and fear. They can feel more vivid and real than just a bad dream,...
If you are one of the few Australians that go to bed starkers each night, you may just be on to something! Studies have shown that it may better to leave your cuddly, koala pyjamas for lounging around the house instead of wearing them to bed. This is because sleeping naked is not...
Have you ever wondered about the sleeping habits of the rich and famous? It is often believed that highly successful people run on very little sleep, but this is just not true. Contrary to popular belief, being productive and highly successful at what you do doesn’t necessarily mean that you...
Every night as we drift off to sleep, we enter into the mysterious land of dreams. Psychologists explain that dreams are the processing of both our conscious and subconscious thoughts, but the phenomenon of dreaming is still somewhat unexplainable. One thing is for sure, when we have a night of...
Did you know that the average person spends a total of 25 years asleep? Seems crazy when you think about it, but our bodies need sleep to survive and function. Every night when we drift off into the land of wink and nod, we enter into a sleep cycle. This...
Did you know that the Koala sleeps for 22 hours a day? This makes it the longest sleeping mammal in the world. Even though we don’t have the sleeping habits of a koala, we all need to sleep. In fact, did you know that sleeping for less than 7 hours...
When it comes to professional napping, no one does it better than the koala. The koala sleeps on average 18-20 hours per day and although us humans don’t have that same luxury, there are things that this Australian marsupial can teach us. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average...
Do you secretly like to sleep with socks on? Sleeping with socks on may seem like a pointless (or uncomfortable) thing to do, but experts suggest that it may be one of the easiest ways to get a better night of sleep, plus it's super simple.In fact, researchers found that...
Are you kept awake by the constant drone of your partner snoring? Though it may seem like there will never be an end, you'll be happy to hear there are quite a few ways to fix your snoring situation. The first step to stopping your partner from snoring is to determine what...
We all want to sleep better, deeper and for longer, but stress and our lifestyle habits cansometimes make a good night of sleep seem almost impossible. New research has found however, that massaging your feet every night before bed candrastically improve your quality of sleep almost instantly.In fact, this simple little...
When you think of sleep, you probably just focus on it as a chore. You jump into bed, get some sleep and then get up and get ready for the day. Snoozing is so much more than just a chore, with experts only just starting to understand the impact that...