It’s a little-known fact that our screens are keeping us up at night. Aside from the temptation to watch just one more episode of Game of Thrones, the blue light emitted from digital devices, including computers, mobile phones, tablets and modern flat-screen TVs, affects levels of melatonin – the hormone that helps induce sleep – profoundly. Blue light has been scientifically shown to interrupt natural sleep cycles and circadian rhythms as it mimics daylight and tricks the body into not feeling tired.
The proliferation of digital devices means that we’re exposed to more blue light than ever before, which is in turn affecting our capacity to fall asleep quickly. More than sixty percent of the population spends upwards of 6 hours per day in front of a screen, so blue light exposure is emerging as a serious health issue.
Koala does not only want you to have perfect sleep, we would like to help you get to sleep faster, which is why we have partnered with our friends at Baxter Blue, a company that offers glasses specifically designed to filter blue light and reduce eye strain and fatigue.
In recognition of the importance of good sleep, Koala would like to offer all subscribers to our newsletter the ability to purchase Baxter Blue glasses and receive an exclusive 20 percent discount.
Just as every purchase of a koala mattress includes a symbolic adoption of a koala through the WWF, Baxter Blue is a similarly socially-conscious organisation. For every pair of Baxter Blue glasses sold, the company will provide a person in need with a pair of reading glasses.
So, if you’re a late-night screen user, or a member of the majority that spends upwards of six hours a day in front of a device, head over to Baxter Blue’s website for a 25 percent discount on a pair of Baxter Blue glasses today with the discount code Koala25. Your eyes will thank you for it.
The post Is blue light disrupting your sleep habits? appeared first on Habitat.