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20 of the best productivity hacks you’ll ever need

We’re all looking for ways to get more out of our day, at work, home or life in general. Thanks to smartphones, social media and being able to access the web from just about anywhere, procrastination can creep into our day leaving our productivity levels at an all-time low. If...


The 8-8-8 rule: manage your time effectively by breaking your day into blocks

Do you find yourself wondering where your day went? Does your time seem to slip through your fingers and you wind up never get anything done? The secret to managing your time effectively and treating yourself to the work/life balance you crave could be as simple as breaking your day...


Train your brain with these 5 tools

As we age our brain function decreases and studies suggest keeping mentally active can greatly improve cognitive function and improve mental stimulation. Studies show that young adults who participate in brain training have a higher brain processing speed, increased memory and highly functioning executive functions –...


A lifetime of learning: the 5 best online course providers

If your New Year’s resolution is to brush up on your skills and broaden your horizons an online course could be the way to expand your mind and gain fresh knowledge. These days, rather than heading off to your local TAFE or college to learn something new, the world is...


Boost efficiency by changing your relationship with time

There aren’t many things in today’s fast pace world that cannot be replaced, re-programmed or automated. There is, however, something that none of us, no matter who you are or what you have can get back and that’s time. Many of us live higher paced and demanding lives and how...


Get on top of your email

Are you drowning in emails? Does your phone, tablet and smartwatch drive you mad with constant new arrivals in your inbox? There are simple ways to get on top of your inbox and get your emails functioning like a well-oiled machine.. Say goodbye to email burnout and the ongoing...


Are you making the most of your sleep?

Professionals ranging from swimmers to runners, dancers, mathematicians, musicians and high-profile CEOs can all benefit from increased quality and quantity of rest. While many CEOs claim to not sleep enough, the truth is that for the body to perform at its peak, we need to sleep well – and for...


The A-Zs of why you should be sleeping right now

Alertness. More sleep means you’ll be more alert, and who doesn’t want that? Next time your boss gets angry at you for napping during the day, refer them to this NASA study that proved that after just a 40-minute nap, pilots were more alert than ever. Be in a better...


Is your mattress holding you back?

The Dalai Lama once said that, “sleep is the best meditation”, and we couldn’t agree more. Countless studies have shown that better sleep leads to increased attention, creativity, decision-making processes, focus, mood, reaction and recovery times as well as a boost in working memory. These traits can result in more...


How to actually sleep on a train

The daily commute is something very few of us look forward to. If your only option is public transport, or you’ve come to your senses and realised you’ll save money, time and possibly your mental health by not facing traffic jams, we’ve got some news for you. Commuting is actually...