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In bed with Frankie the Sausage Dog

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a dog? How about an adorable Dachshund? We chatted to Frankie the Sausage on all the things that are great about being a dog. It’s a world first, but we managed to translate Frankie’s barks and whimpers into English… enjoy! A massive kudos to Frankie’s mum, Kennedy, for helping us out.

Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m a fashionable, ball obsessed and treat loving pooch from Brisbane, Australia. I love hanging out with my human parents and napping all day!

What does your perfect morning look like?

Sleeping in as long as possible and then heading out for coffee and brunch.

What’s your number one sleep tip?

Lots of fluffy and soft blankets and cushions!

How do you wind down in the evening?

After a big dinner, my family and I watch some tv or a movie in bed. I love a good cuddle and getting into some comfy pyjamas.

How has Koala changed your sleeping habits?

Koala has changed my life! The mattress is like sleeping on a cloud so instead of waking up multiple times a night, I get to sleep aaallllll night long!

What’s the best part about being a dog?

The best part about being a dog is being able to make everybody you meet happy by just being you!

What are your tips for other dogs to make their humans love them even more?

To wag your tail more when you look at them and stop chewing their socks and undies (as good as they may be).

Why do you think all humans should own a dog?

As my mum loves to tell everyone (she’s sooo embarrassing), that having a dog will impact your life more than you’ll ever expect. Us dogs can charm you with our wagging tail, big eyes and we will love you unconditionally from day one. You’ll never be alone because we’ll always be there and we’re great listeners and never interrupt.

Thank you so much to Frankie for taking the time to chat with us, and you can follow Frankie on Instagram and also read her blog.

The post In bed with Frankie the Sausage Dog appeared first on Counting Koalas.

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